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In Solidarity with the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar

Bangkok, Thailand 4 February 2021

We, Thai youth in solidarity with our Myanmar friends, are devastated by the news from our friends in Myanmar. We have no words to express how sorry and worried we are about the safety of people in Myanmar. At the time of writing this statement, Burmese youth activists are on the run from military abuse. We are losing contact with our friends due initially to the internet and Social media blockade. We do not know when we will be able to reach them again.

This statement is written by a group of Thai youth who stands against injustice, dictatorship, and all forms of violence. Our generation is also affected by the corrupted Junta dictators. We have learned that such devious violations of state power results in the dysfunctional system, discrimination, and rights violations. When the democratic process is disrupted by the dictators, everyone is vulnerable to state violence.

We are standing with students, activists, teachers, hospital staff, and the people of Myanmar in the civil disobedience and boycott campaign protesting against the Myanmar Military Coup. We demand the Myanmar military unconditionally release all those currently arbitrarily detained and immediately restore the Internet and all forms of communications.

We call on the international communities to condemn the Myanmar Military and do everything in their power to #SaveMyanmar. Please save our generation from the series of illegitimate Military control, in both Myanmar and Thailand, which has been destroying the democratic and human rights of our people. Most importantly, please ensure the protection of the ethnic minorities who are threatened by Myanmar armed forces right at this moment.

The Military Coup is one of the most abusive manipulations of state power at the national and international level which effectively results in the legitimization and justification of harassment, abuse and human rights violations against civilians.

#WhatshappeninginMyanmar is a dark time, not only for Myanmar, but for all of us.

To our friends, please stay safe and strong.

We are with you, In anger. In tears. In solidarity.

III “Down with feudalism, Long live the people”


(Read statement in Burmese Thai below)

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